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Diabetes (Madhumeha)

The expected values for normal fasting blood glucose concentration are between 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L). Increased fasting blood glucose concentration (hyperglycemia) is an indicator of a higher risk to diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone that lowers the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood. It's made by the beta cells of the pancreas and released into the blood when the glucose level goes up, such as after eating. Insulin helps glucose enter the body's cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for future use.

But when blood glucose increases more insulin is needed to infuse more glucose in to cells and pancreas needs to produce more insulin. This is vicious circle needing more insulin and this leads to type 2 diabetes.

In type 1 diabetes pancreas produces less insulin. The present day easy way out in allopathy is prescribing Metformin to produce more insulin but this leads to insulin resistance and eventually patients lead to external insulin shots.

Ayurveda looks into the very cause of the problem and with proper Ayurvedic medicine, selected Panch karma, life style adaptation and healthy diet can even reverse Diabetes.

Diabetes in ayurved is synonyms to Vataj prameha which is also called as Madhumeha. In Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita and Ashtang Hridayam there is mention of disease called Prameha which is set of complex urinary disorders and has 20 types of prameha of which Vataj prameha has similar etiology as Diabetes Type 2 and is called Madhumeha or Ikshumeha. Kaphaj prameha is synonyms to prediabetes which is reversible according to Ayurveda.

Ayurved also mentions shodhana chikitsa which includes panchkarma like vaman, virechan and Basti. Diet… according to ayurved patient should be given specially prepared Manthas, kashyas,Yavagu prepared from Yav or barley, old shalli, shashtik rice,soup of mudga, with preparation of bitter vegetables.

There is also mention of specific Rasayans to be given to such patients… most famous is vasant kusumakar.

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Yougandhara Deshmukh
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Dr Vasundhara is one of the few doctors who does diagnosis based on pulse (Nadi Parikshan). She has been my doctor for more than 15 years and never once has been a time when her treatments havent worked. We consult her for all the health issues and her treatments have always given good results.
Darshan Kaimal
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I had common cold and cough issues for months. Due to Dr's treatment and medicines, i don't have frequent colds and cough like before. My health has drastically improved because of Dr Vasundhara. She has been extremely kind and is always available for online advice which helps in this present situation.

11am to 2pm morning & 7pm to 9pm evening

Aatreya ayurvedic clinic is open for consultation from Monday to Saturday

We Also Do Online Consultation. Medicines are Dispatched after Consultation To Given Address.

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