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Chronic Kidney Failure (Jeerna Vrikka Roga)

CRF as the name suggests is a term that describes decline of all levels of kidney function developed over a period of time. Kidneys are like filters in our body which filters out wastes, toxins and extra water from our blood but when kidneys begin to loose their function the waste builds up in our blood leading to high urea and creatinine levels in our body resulting in chronic renal failure.
वाताकृतिर्भवेद्वातान्मूत्रे शुष्यति सङ्क्षयः ||३४||
Due to aggravation of vata, the urine gets decreased with manifestation of vatakriti (symptoms of aggravated vata). The condition is mutra kshaya.
GFR of 60 or over to be normal, while a GFR of less than 60 may indicate kidney disease. A GFR level of 15 or less indicates kidney failure.
Symptoms of chronic renal failure are:
- Swelling in feet
- Swelling in hands & sometimes whole body
- Urinating unusually low with dark coloured urine
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- High blood pressure
- High creatinine levels
- Feeling cold

According to Ayurved in thus disease there is involvement of all three doshas (vat,pitta,kapha) but there is dominance of vata and Kapha doshas.
The function of Agni is also deteriorated and as a result Aama is formed which slows down the kidney functions.
In Ayurved the treatment has three principles.
1. Nidan parivarjan (avoiding the cause)
In this part we advise patients the dietary and lifestyle modifications.
If there is some disease associated like diabetes and hypertension or hypothyroidism it should be treated first.
2. Shaman chikitsa
In this the patient is given herbs which have Rasayana properties such ad Gokhru, Punarnava, Bhumyaamlaki, Varuna which are very potent rejuvenaters of kidney function.
3. Shodhana Chikitsa
In this part panchkarma like mild Virechan and Basti is advised to the patient. Establishment of normal state of Urinary System and nourishment of the organs is very important aspect of this treatment.
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11am to 2pm morning & 7pm to 9pm evening
Aatreya ayurvedic clinic is open for consultation from Monday to Saturday
We Also Do Online Consultation. Medicines are Dispatched after Consultation To Given Address.